Add Vitest to a Next app

Adding Vitest to a Next app and writing a simple test

How to add Vitest to an already existing Next app.

Install packages

npm i @testing-library/react @vitejs/plugin-react jsdom vites
t --save-dev

Add test scripts to your package.json

Inside your package.json add the following to your scripts object

	// of package.json
	"scripts": {
		// of "scripts"
		"test": "vitest run",
		"test:dev": "vitest"

Create vitest.config.ts

/// <reference types="vitest" />

import { defineConfig } from 'vitest/config'
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [react()],
  test: {
    environment: 'jsdom',
  // Resolves Next's import alias "@"
  resolve: {
    alias: {
      "@": path.resolve(__dirname, "./"),

Create __tests__ directory and add Home.test.tsx

Create a __tests__ directory with a new file in it called Home.test.tsx. Vitest (and most other JS-testing libraries) will automatically pick up on and run files in the __tests__ directory. Inside Home.test.tsx put the following:

import { expect, test } from "vitest";
import { render, screen, within } from "@testing-library/react";
import Home from "@/app/page";

test("Home h1 renders", () => {
  render(<Home />);
  const main = within(screen.getByRole("main"));
  const h1 = main.getByRole("heading", { level: 1, name: /hello test/i });

What is the test doing?

In /app/page we have an exported component Home that returns (basically)

		<h1>Hello test</h1>

We want to test that the H1 renders and is readable by its accessible name. Luckily @testing-library/react’s approach to querying the DOM forces a certain amount of accessibility compliance for your tests to pass. Going through the code above we:

  • Declare our test function with 2 arguments: the test name, and the function to run as the test. In the test function we then…
  • Render our <Home /> component
  • Query the rendered component for the main element
  • Query the main element using getByRole to find a heading with a level of 1 (aka an <h1>), with the accessible name of hello test. The name attribute takes a regex like in this example, but could also just take a plain string of the text
  • Declare an expect function, where we expect the h1 we queried to exist on the rendered page.

Run the test

In your terminal, run the following command to run our test:

npm run test

You should see the output of our test in your terminal.

Developing more tests

The test:dev command we added to package.json earlier will run vitest in ‘dev’ mode, meaning vitest will watch your tests for changes and re-run them as you save.

npm run test:dev
Last updated: 12/9/2023