
Building a portfolio site with Nuxt, Bulma, and Contentful.

This one might be sloppy, trying to largely get everything up quick.


Having recently used Nuxt/Netlify/Contentful for Wifeapedia and liking it, I stuck with it. I started with a ‘projectPage’ content type in Contentful that covered most of my bases, but eventually added a ‘tech’ content type as well so I could highlight/split out my experience by technology used. I could have technically merged these 2 down to the same ‘workExperience’ content type (arbitrary example name), with an ‘experienceType’ selection to differentiate but like I said: quick & dirty. I had a basic pages directory to cover a homepage, relevant ‘list’ and ‘detail’ pages for project and tech content types, and a general ‘about’ page.

Defining and setting up content types

identical-my-cousin-vinny I had two essentially identical content types: projectPage and tech, where projectPage covered a development project I’ve worked on and tech was a more general page for the different technologies I used on the projects so prospective employers could see only my React stuff, etc.

Project pages

Here’s the content model I set up for project pages in Contentful: Project page content model in Contentful

Here’s a breakdown of the fields and their purpose:

TitleName of the project
DescriptionShorter overview for link card previews
SlugUsed to define the url (
BodyDescription of the work I did
SiteLive example of the project
Related projectsProjects using similar tech or on the same website
TechThe tech used when building the project
Github linkLink to github for project if available

Tech pages

Largely identical set of info to the project page, and I could have absolutely just used a projectPage with a new infoType field to select between project or tech, but I have something like 40 content types left before I have to pay Contentful, so I split them up.

Screenshot of the tech content type fields: Tech content model

And a table of the fields:

TitleThe title of the entry for internal search and reference
NameThe ‘display name’, the actual name of the item as it appears on the site
SlugUsed to define the url (
DescriptionShorter overview for link card previews
ExperienceMore comprehensive breakdown of how I’ve used the technology
HomepageLink to the homepage/general point of reference for the tech
Related linksUnused at the moment

Pages and default layout

I set up the pages directory as follows: pages directory for

There’s an index.vue for the homepage, and 3 directories: /me, /projects, and /tech, each with their own index.vue for their top-level pages. /projects and /tech also have dynamic page templates from Nuxt (_project.vue and _tech.vue) to account for slugs passed to those routes.

Static/list pages

…‘static’ of course being a loose way for me to say ‘not dependent on a dynamic slug’ 😎

The homepage, /projects, and /tech have pretty similar markup, there’s a Bulma hero component fed static props, and a tweaked Bulma card component fed data from the content types in Contentful.

Here’s the <template> and <script> sections from my index.vue. Surprisingly simple! The Contentful client is set up basically precisely like their integration guide. Homepage template: homepage index.vue template Homepage script: homepage index.vue scripts

The script section gets the info for the 2 Cards components from Contentful, and I feed some strings to the Hero.

Dynamic pages

Bulma and components

I used Bulma on this guy after getting annoyed that Tailwind added most of the file size to Wifeapedia, but this could definitely be something I configured wrong when adding Tailwind (update I didn’t set up tree-shaking). I also believe Tailwind has since come out with v3 with does JIT to only build what you’re using. Regardless I liked Bulma’s naming conventions and default styling a bit more so here we are…

Frickin’ ESLint and Prettier

This was surprisingly more of a pain than I anticipated

Last updated: 5/8/2022